
When I first heard the word "travelocity" I thought it was a clever combination of two existing words ("travel" + "velocity") that yielded a new and meaningful word. I wondered how difficult it would be to come up with more clever words like "travelocity". Invent-a-Word was born. The best portmanteau word I've come up with so far is cubicle + cleaner = cubicleaner.

Enter a word:
Number of letters to overlap:
Your word should be the:

Your creative words:
priest + establish = priestablish
priest + established = priestablished
priest + establisher = priestablisher
priest + establishes = priestablishes
priest + establishing = priestablishing
priest + establishment = priestablishment
priest + establishment's = priestablishment's
priest + establishments = priestablishments
priest + estate = priestate
priest + estate's = priestate's
priest + estates = priestates
priest + esteem = priesteem
priest + esteemed = priesteemed
priest + esteeming = priesteeming
priest + esteems = priesteems
priest + estimate = priestimate
priest + estimated = priestimated
priest + estimates = priestimates
priest + estimating = priestimating
priest + estimation = priestimation
priest + estimations = priestimations
priest + estimative = priestimative