Landscape Art
generated by a computer
weird one, but the brush strokes look really good
questionable brush stroke logic
Seascape Experiment
Seascape Experiment
Another scribbly landscape generated while debugging brush settings. P0026 of T0095
Got some surprisingly childlike, pencil-sketch-esque output while testing new brush settings. P0026 of T0093ish
More cloud-like clouds and an updated painting algorithm with better stroke control. P0025 of T0098
Another cloud test. P0025 of T0098
Something a little different. Inspired by Robert Roth. P0024 of T0098
Marching Pyramids
Marching Pyramids
Any crew? Negative.
Any crew? Negative.
Christina's Planet
Infrared sand dunes. p0023 of t0095
Roaming cuboids, an experiment. p0023 of t0095
Rewrote the painting algorithm to use longer, more natural strokes. Almost time let this run itself. p0023 of t0093
Another dune sunrise. p0023 of t0093
Something a little different. P0022 of T0093.
Kind of ugly, but kind of neat. P0019 of T0093
As a kid I enjoyed watching William Alexander and Bob Ross paint landscapes on the Joy of Painting. These days, I enjoy watching digital artists create environment concept art on YouTube. On Twitter, I follow a few art generating bots. I decided to take a couple of weekends and smash all these things together. I wrote a few scripts that generate landscapes that get posted to twitter. The types of landscapes are limited today, but will grow with time. Please follow @LandscapeArtBot on Twitter.